UEA break - such a wonderful time! I knew I had to do something special with the kids. They have all been working really hard at school and deserved a break. Initially, I thought we would spend the weekend in Fish Lake. Which would have been lovely but there was something very delightful about going up to SLC and spending time with Sara and Lindsay. It was perfect. We got to spend the nights at their house, we pretty much ate there too and they were able to help me wrangle the kids. Thanks for being such awesome hostesses - we always love spending time with you guys.
The kids and I drove up to Salt Lake on Thursday afternoon. We ended up getting off later than we had planned (this always happens, it takes so long to get things done with 5 kids). Anyway, I let each child choose the one thing they HAD to do in Salt Lake. Josie chose the Children's Museum. So, we got there at about 2:00. It closed at 6:00, so I was a bit worried we would be rushed. But, it ended up perfectly. Sara was off doing homework, so she didn't come to this one. Linds met us at the museum after we had been there about an hour and a half. Needless to say, that hour and a half was exhausting. There were a lot of people there and trying to keep track of all 5 of my kids at the same time gets tricky. So, we really don't have too many pictures of the museum. The following one of Jaxon is of a tower he built. He used up every one of these building blocks. (There are a lot more than it looks like, they stack inside of each other.) He loved it - he will tell you that he was bored, but don't believe him. He loved creating things, he has a very inventive mind. And, little kids would follow him around, watch him, then try and help him with his creations. Josie and Jainie liked playing downstairs in the "pretend area" best. Jake liked all of it, but only if people would play with him - probably the rock climbing wall or water area were his fav's. Josh had the hardest time, he liked building and exploring but was ready to go a bit before everyone else. All in all, we love the Children's Museum, if you haven't been there, you should go. It's pretty great.
On Friday morning, Linds said she would stay home and babysit while Sara and I went to the temple. It was wonderful! I haven't seen the movie for awhile so it was good to see again. I still like the live sessions better. Anyway, I wish I would have gotten a picture, but I didn't. Oh well. Thanks Linds for helping out so I could go again. And, thanks for going with me Sar - it was truly wonderful.
When we got back, we decided to go to "This is the Place Heritage Park." It was a trick or treat time and I wasn't sure if we had to dress up or not, but we didn't have our costumes ready for this year yet, so Jake and Josie wore last years. Jaxon and Josh opted to not wear one, and Jainie wore one of her princess dresses. I would like to go back in the summer sometime to see what really goes on here. The buildings that were open, were fun. My favorite part was the Indian stories in the teepee.
I think Jake's favorite part was panning for gold. Jainie was definitely NOT into this. Jaxon wasn't really either, but the other three enjoyed it, and all found gold - worth 10 tootsie rolls. In this picture, you can see the man in charge of this, I think he really thinks he lives back then. He had a long ponytail and I am pretty sure some black, gold, or missing teeth. It was a bit creepy, really. But, he was nice enough.

We got to go in the schoolhouse, where I was the teacher and I am sure each of my students learned A LOT! We did see how to spell "Happy Halloween" in Brigham's alphabet. Too bad I didn't write it down.
We got to ride horses, which is always fun, even if they are lazy and only go in a circle. There was also a petting area, to pet goats, sheep, a dog maybe. My kids weren't too impressed with this part. A lot of other kids were though.
Giddyup Joshi!
This was a pretty cool find. This cabin, the "Ence Cabin" is from, can anyone guess? Yep, Richfield, Utah. Pretty neat, eh? So, all of us Richfield"ites" had to get a picture with it.
There was one craft to do, which Sara and Jaxon did, braiding wheat and turning it into different decorations, I think Sara made her's into a napkin holder. Jake and I also made one and gave to her so she could have a set. This is the other girls relaxing while we braid.
Sara, Lindsay, and I decided we had to get some pics in front of the RS Hall, so Jaxon took some very interesting pictures. He really did a great job - I think he could be a photographer! He could probably have better subjects however.
Ah, sisters.
This was actually at the beginning of the day, not the end. You can see it is going to be rough for a few of us right from the get go.
And, the monument, which is honestly one of the best parts. It was an abnormally hot day for Salt Lake in October, very pleasant. But, tiring. We all went home and rested after this. For quite awhile really.
Later, that night we went to "Sorcerer's Apprentice," which the kids hadn't seen yet. (This was Josh's choice - a movie, that is. So we had to get it in.) It was also nice because we finally got to meet up with Ryan. He had been busy the whole time we had been there, but it was great to see him. The kids adore him and love when he is around. And, I even splurged and bought them popcorn! What a night!
Jake's choice was to see Uncle Ry and sleep at Sara and Lindsay's and play tanks on their computers. We had done this periodically throughout the trip so we only had Jaxon's choice left. He had chosen roller-blading at Sugarhouse park. So, the next morning, after getting packed and ready, we went and played at the park. Jaxon did roller-blade, I just didn't get a good pic of him and by the time this pic was taken, he had his blades off. They are getting too small so they hurt his feet after not too long. Anyway, we had a great time there. I had forgotten how much I love that park. When we lived in Salt Lake, we lived right across the street, I would take Jaxon to feed the ducks almost every day. Man, that was a long time ago.
We still had to go get some books for treats for the kids so we went to B&N for awhile. Sara went and found me some Harry Potter glasses for Jake's Halloween costume - thanks Sar. Aunt Linds helped all the kids choose out a book that they each would like and the kids loved that! A special treat. Then, we went to "Noodles & Co." for lunch, which the kids LOVE now. They want to go back every time we go to Salt Lake. :) (They really are pretty easy to please, most of the time.) Oh, and I almost forgot - an extra bonus for me! I got to go to Glaus Bakery - my absolute favorite - and get some cute little Petit Fours that I was supposed to share with the kids, but ended up eating all of them! YUMMY!
All in all a great little vacation. We all had so much fun and were exhausted by the time we got home. And, isn't that what vacation's are for? So, thanks again to Ry for meeting us, and especially Sara and Lindsay for a wonderful time! We love you!
What on earth am I doing in these pics? Especially the RS ones? I have officially decided that America's Next Top Model is definitely NOT for me. Oh well... they weren't very strong aspirations anyway. :) Cute blog- so much fun for us too! Glad you found time to come up- love ya!
ReplyDeleteWe were totally at the park that day for Ryans football game. As a matter of fact, that could be us behind you!!