Monday, February 22, 2010


We decided to go swimming on our day off of school the other day. It was a bit crazy. Jainie loved it! She was really pretty brave. Josh was right behind her and mostly chased her around and teased Jake and his friend, Cannon. Josie also went with a group of friends. They had a ball! Jaxon was at scouts - he usually is busy lately, crazy how 12 hits and you don't see your child anymore. I am not ready for that.
Jainie is the funniest little girl in the whole world! She seriously cracks me up! I don't know how she got so much personality. She is constantly posing - this was one of many funny poses. You should never want to talk to her on the phone, whenever she is playing on the phone she is usually cussing people out - "I cannot believe you did that to me", "I don't think we will be friends ever again", "What do you mean it's YOUR baby?!" Seriously, you'd think I watch soap operas or something. (I don't.) I don't know where she gets it from, I guess a super-active imagination.


  1. Well, even if Jaxon doesn't look anything like you, Jainie sure does! ;)

  2. hahaha... Where on earth does she come up with those?! It's like she had a dramatic mother or something who loved to pose for the camera. (I have pictures you KNOW I could put up). :) Love ya sis! By the way- where did your post on Jaxon go? I wanted to read it but can't seem to find it...

