Christmastime is always a wonderful time of year! I absolutely love it, I could do without a bit of the craziness, but for the most part I adore it. This year we were running every night as usual, but I love the Christmas music and wonderment so it is always worth it. We even got in a few nights of reading Christmas books as a family.
It all started with Christmas Tree lane. It was on the 7th and both Josie and Jainie danced in it - their tap dances. Jainie danced to "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer" and Josie danced to "The 12 Days of Christmas." They both did an excellent job and had lots of fun. I am glad they both enjoy performing.
Then, we moved to Jainie's singing recital. She decided to take a singing class last year, but we only got in about 3 lessons before the year was over. This year we started on time and she has loved singing Christmas songs. She is a really good little singer and sang "Said Samuel Within 5 Years" as a solo! She was so brave and did an excellent job! She is the youngest in the group but is very brave and holds her own. I wish some of my other kids would do this. I think Josie would but she does NOT want to sing a solo in front of people so says she won't. And, they boys are simply not interested.
This was on the 11th, which was the same night as our Primary Baptism Preview, which I needed to conduct and Jake got to attend with Jared and I. So, while Jared, Jake and I left early, Jainie got to stay with Gpa and Gma to finish the program. Jared, Jake and I had a lovely time at the Baptism Preview and Jake is VERY excited to get baptized in March. He is also SUPER excited about Scouts and asked if he couldn't go that week. I think he will love scouts and enjoy every single activity.
We got a little reprieve at this point in December and only had basketball games and work parties, well, I am sure there were other things, but I can't remember them right now. ;)
On the 20th I got to go to Ilene's cookie exchange party, where I made fudge, and a couple other kinds of cookies, which I don't remember what they were. (I am sure they were fantastic. :)). Also, Ilene, Debbie, Katie, Emily, Alissa, & Leslie made some tasty treats - really they were yummy. And, I got to bring a whole tin home, which was perfect because then we let each child choose one kind of cookie to leave out for Santa. Then, I didn't even have to make any cookies on Christmas Eve.
That evening was pretty packed - first up we had Josie's band concert - this is her first year of flute and she is loving it. Not enough to practice much, but enough to keep playing. :) Josie played "African Noel," "Diary of a Grumpy Elf," and one other she can't remember. She did a great job and looked oh so professional.
This is her and her friend Kassie
We had to leave a bit early to get to our Ward Christmas party, which had the Primary Christmas program first. So, off we went, except for Jaxon who had a basketball game. Jared left the party early to get to the game as well. But, the kids did a great job. Jainie and Jake didn't have actual parts but sang their best to the Christmas songs. I have to say I am getting tired of dealing with these programs and told the Bishop that next year maybe we (the primary) should just sing a couple songs. :) I know the kids like dressing up though, so we might have to add that in.
Jainie and her friends Harper and Malia as angels.
Jake as a shepherd - looking somewhat subdued.
This is the first time Josie sang with the YW - I think she had practiced once with them. Jared and Jaxon were supposed to sing with the YM, but were at the game.
The oldest primary class always gets to be Mary and Joseph and we have about 8 girls in the class who all wanted to be Mary and 4 boys who none of them wanted to be Joseph. Consequently, none of the boys showed up. So, Josh got to help out. I think these pictures are pretty funny, you can see how happy he is to be playing the part. :) He literally grimaced the entire time. But, Mary looks beautiful and serene.
This was his real part - one of the kings - you can see he is really happy about it as well. It's hard being so cool, I guess.
We left the ward party early so that we could get Jainie and Josie to the first night of the Nutcracker performance, which we made just in time for Josie's and Jainie's dances. Ah, what a night!
The next day was Joshua's 4th grade program - which was great this year. Unfortunately, Josh was on the back row and we couldn't see him at all. It didn't help that he bent his knees and hunched so that no one could see him - boys, sometimes I wonder.
Later that night, Jaxon had his chorus concert. This is the group of boys in the choir, there are girls on both sides - at least double as many girls. Jaxon has had a good time in choir and is happy he decided to take it. He says he only took it for the girls but I think he really likes singing too. And, he really has a nice voice. You can see that this year he has grown to be one of the tallest boys in his grade.
And, then, right afterward, we went back to the Nutcracker with the girls. This year Josie was the Spanish and Jainie was the Gumdrops - they both looked and danced so beautifully. And, they LOVE their outfits this year, which is another bonus.
Unfortunately, all the pictures of Jainie by herself turned out blurry. But, Jos has a nice pose in this one.
The next day we headed to Jake's 2nd grade program - "The Polar Express." He is the best boy performer at this age that we have had. Luckily, he had a good seat and we could see him throughout. And, he sang. Jaxon always yawned throughout his programs and Josh just hides and tries to mouth the words. Jake sat up and tried hard and was so cute doing the "Macarena." He was supposed to sit by his cousin Emma during the performance, but then Emma ended up being needed elsewhere so he was a bit bummed about that. But, he survived and was a cutie pie.

Just to note: We never have new pajamas until Christmas, when we get a couple pair. However, they are always needed right before Christmas and Jake had none - that fit or matched. So, I went out and bought him a brand new pair for the program and he couldn't find them that morning. We spent a lot of time searching and nope, nowhere. (We did find them the next day.) Anyway, luckily, Josh had already gone to school and I had just washed these so we threw them on Jake - they fit him pretty well actually and made his pretty blue eyes look even bluer! So, nope, they are not Christmasy at all, but I am just glad he found matching pajamas.
He thought it was great that his wreath fit perfectly on his little round face without him even having to hold it on with his hands. He is such a funny little guy. Oh, and notice his 2 front teeth are still missing - they were coming in, but he liked singing "All I Want for Christmas is my 2 Front Teeth" because it fit so well. ;)
The next day were class parties and I got to help with Jainie's Kindergarten class. They were all so cute and had so much fun. This was the cookie she frosted and decorated all by herself. Sometimes it's nice to not have adults telling you can't do something. She only had one bite before saying she didn't want anymore and throwing the rest away. Silly girl, at least she had fun decorating.
This is her and her good friend, Lucas. She plays with him at about every recess and thinks he is oh so funny. She knew he was giving her bunny ears and thought it was great. I think she has played with too many boys since birth, she prefers playing with boys to girls every time. Hopefully that will change a bit.
Her favorite game at her party was a snowball fight - where she got to wad up paper and throw it at whomever she chose. She chose her teacher most of the time and the two of them had quite a battle. :) It was a fun party and it was great to see her interact with her class, she really is quite a jokester.
Ah, I need to take a breath - even writing this is overwhelming - it was crazy but with five kids, what do you expect? It was lots of fun and the month of December flew by, as it always does. But, I wouldn't change it for the world. It is so much fun being a mother and especially a mother of these wonderful children that I have - I think I am the luckiest person alive! Well, most days. :)