Dear Halloween (and I mean that "dear" very loosely - the only reason you get "dear" is because my children LOVE you, so I guess I better be respectful, at least),
October came so quickly and honestly, I was excited. At first. Then, it kept coming and all of the sudden, there was the second half, taunting me, daring me to get my decorations up before you actually got here. So, I took the challenge and on the 20th, we got festive. Not much, but sufficient. Maybe this made you feel a bit neglected, so you decided to take it out on me, to give it to me good. Well, mission accomplished. You did it. You totally TOOK over! The entire last week of October, we did nothing BUT fun holiday activities, with you, Halloween, in mind.
Now, don't get me wrong, I was having fun at first. I was excited. I put my best foot forward and decided to go along, celebrate, make the best of things. So, on Monday, the 25th, we went to our first party. Emily had invited the family over for some games and treats. We had the option of dressing up or not dressing up. Normally, I would say, too much work, costumes aren't ready, we will NOT be dressing up. But, I still had a very positive attitude and was trying to keep all the kids happy and be a fun mom. So, we dressed up. We threw clothes, make-up, hair dye, etc. all over the house trying to find what we needed to dress up for this fun party. And, it was fun! All my kids loved it! And, Jared and I enjoyed being out and visiting with everyone. (Well, Josie got sick and laid down most of the evening, but she still enjoyed it. Although, I must confess to Tom and Emily, Josie did throw up in your bushes just after we left. Luckily, it was just clear liquid so I didn't stay to clean it up. So sorry though, I meant to mention it to you, but forgot. I will come clean up something sometime to repay you. Just let me know when. :)).
Playing Bingo Halloween style |
Josh playing the wonderful Oreo game |
All the kids wrapped their dad's up as mummy's -
since we had 5 kids who could do this, we lent some
kids out. Josie and Audrey did Trevor and Jaxon,
Garrison & Ethan did Brett.
They all did a great job! |
Garrison dressed up as a Cubs player - he mostly just liked
watching everyone else! And, he loved the Bingo game! |
Tuesday came bright and early, too early, we were still tired from our festive partying the night before. So, Jaxon got his first tardy of the semester. (This was the 2nd day of the semester. Not an excellent start, we will have to finish strong.) Tuesday's goal of the day was to find the finishing touches to Josie's flapper outfit. I needed a boa and a peacock feather for her hair. All the other kids were set, they had every possible thing I could think of for their costumes. So, at 11:00, I went shopping. And, this day, I felt you cooperated with me. I found exactly what I needed, right here in little ole' Richfield. Perfect and done! So, I decided to take another goal on. And, that was getting my "trick or treat" candy. Now, last year we had 430 trick or treaters. Yep! That is a LOT!!! (I can hear you chuckling at me, Halloween, you think that is pretty funny, don't you?) Plus, we had the ward party "trunk or treat" tonight so I had to find something for that. Well, like any normal person would, I decided to go to Winkel's to buy candy in bulk. Luckily, Jared took me to lunch (still not sure why, I think for my birthday though a few days early), and I convinced him to take me to Winkel's. We picked up our soda pop for the ward and our treats for the actual night. Ward party time came, Jared was no where to be found, and I was getting everyone ready for yet, another party. Only this time, we couldn't find Jainie's crown, shoes, or wand. Or, Jake's wand, cloak, or glasses. I am still so grateful to Josh for being a Yankees player, easiest costume ever! Luckily, Jared got home and helped us hurry and get ready and off we went, only 30 minutes late, without our decorated trunk (there were some cute ones), and with NO bags for candy. :) We got there just in time to get our food dished up. But, before we had time to eat, it was time to "trunk or treat." So, we left our food in a place we thought would be safe, ran outside and got in line. Realizing that we didn't have any stinkin' bags, we opened our soda boxes, dumped out the soda in the trunk and used the boxes as bags for the kids to collect their treats in. We are high class. But, it worked. Being a good mother, I told my children they couldn't eat their candy until they finished their dinners, so we went back in to find . . . nothing. Some good samaritan had cleaned up all of our food. So, once again, like any good mother, I let my kids have stinkin' candy for dinner, for the first time this week.
Isn't this the cutest trunk for "Trunk or Treat"? I was just glad
our trunk was clean! I should have gotten a picture, but
it was FREEZING! Jared handed out the soda, while I
followed the kids. There were quite a few darling trunks. |
This is Jaxon in his "costume" as a hunter. :) He
helped his friend, Porter, hand out treats while
enjoying a nice, hot cup of cocoa. |
Wednesday, I love you. You are my breath of fresh air. Hahaha Halloween, you have been hard on me, but I have Wednesday to recuperate. So wonderful! I honestly can't remember what happened this day. All I know is that no one had to dress-up. I totally ignored you. It was bliss. (I think I worked on Primary stuff - so still great things going on.) I do know someone stayed home from school sick this day. Don't remember who, since everyone has done it - maybe Jaxon. Yes, I think it was Jaxon. Maybe too much cocoa the night before - and candy!
Thursday. This is the day Jared decided to go up north. He had a convention for work on Friday and Saturday, but decided to go up early. Blah! I hate being a single parent. Honestly, I don't know how people do it. It is sheer madness! Jared's family has a tradition of making the birthday person breakfast in bed on their birthday. As you know, my birthday is on the 29th - Friday this year, but this was Thursday. Well, I think Jared was feeling a bit guilty (not guilty enough, mind you, but a bit), so I awoke to breakfast in bed, with the kids singing me "Happy Birthday." Very sweet of them to think of, but I am NOT a morning person nor a breakfast person, so this has always been hard for me. Especially so, when it is the day
before my birthday. Nonetheless, I did appreciate the effort that went into it. (And, Jake enjoyed my breakfast. :)).
Anyway, this morning Josie woke feeling a bit sick again, so I had her stay home. Jake had his school program for the school, which I thought Jared should really try to go to. I called the school the day before and was told it was at 10:00. Josie was feeling better by this time, so I had her walk down to Jared's office to remind him he needed to get to the program. (Seriously, wild horses can't drag Jared away from work. I am pretty sure the building will fall down if he is not in it and I am sure for a few patients, it MUST be life or death whether he is there or not. :)) I found out later that the program wasn't at 10:00 so Jared missed it. Jake was very sad, wondering why he wasn't there. (I have realized I am a bit spoiled and I like it. I like how Jared and I can both go to my kid's things, most of the time, I can see as they are getting older, it might not be a reality much longer. :(. I love going to EVERYTHING and feel so guilty when I don't. I told Jainie's preschool teacher that I would help with her party, which I was to be to at 10:00 as well, but I was running a bit behind (surprised? - me either). Anyway, I went to Jainie's class and it was so cute. It was a cute Halloween event - I don't like how you, Halloween, are trying to get scarier and grosser, if you would just stay cute and innocent and all about candy - which is what you are supposed to be about - I might not have quite as many issues with you. Oh, and what is up with adults dressing up and trick or treating? Weird. I like the dress-up part but should they really have their own bag of candy? Especially when some of them dress as well . . . you know how they dress. Anyway, we played some games, read a cute story, ate some treats and lined up for a darling little parade. It was very pleasant.
Jainie loves you just because you always give her an excuse to wear
make-up! She is one girly-girl! She couldn't decide between this
peacock and her Belle dress so we switched them on and off. She
did dress up 5 out of the 7 days this week! |
Jainie's darling little pre-school class all decked out. |
Jainie is so lucky to have TWO of her cousins in her preschool
class - C.J. and Caleb. Her teacher has told me she doesn't talk
to them much, but I know she likes that she has them there.
So cute! |
Some of my friends had asked me out to lunch for my birthday, but once again, because Friday was so busy with stupid Halloween activities, we had to go on Thursday. But, I'll take it. So, I ran Jainie to my mom's in Gwood to hang out and I went to lunch. It was a wonderful break from reality and honestly, from thinking about Halloween. It is always so nice to go hang out and have no time demands or worries. Thanks guys - I really did appreciate it - a lot!

When the kids got home from school, we did our usual crazy run-around. Later on in the night, Josie was dancing for a Halloween Arts Show at the high school. She was to be there at 6:45 ready to dance. Jaxon had basketball try-outs in So. Sevier he needed to be to at 7:30. Sounds doable, right? Well, it did work out okay. I dropped Josie off, ran her in, then Josh, Jake, Jainie and I drove to So. Sevier. Jaxon was about 20 minutes early, but I think he just sat and read a book. And, luckily, my mom decided to come help me out. When we got back to the high school, the place was PACKED! There is no way we would have found a seat. As I said, my mom was there, so we walked right in, squished our way to the middle seats and watched a somewhat enjoyable show. It was super hot! Josie ended up not dancing for a long time. She was a cat and danced to "Superstition," she did an excellent job - she is a very talented dancer.
Josie is on the bottom - I think she was trying to look like a cat would in this picture. These are just a few of her friends - there are about 16 girls in her class. |
She was a little sad her dad missed it, I was very sad. It was very cute. As soon as she was done, we drove back to So. Sevier just in time to pick Jaxon up at 9:00. (We were a bit late :)). He did love his time playing. I think he would have stayed longer.
Ahh - Good night! The kids really did go to bed well. Good thing, I was exhausted.
Friday! I do have to say that I am glad that I was running today. It made it so I couldn't feel sorry for myself too much. I didn't sleep well, thinking of all the things I needed to do today, worrying about how I would get it all in. So, alarm goes off, and we are up with a bang! Well, a couple of us anyway. All 5 kids had to be in their costumes by the time school started. Plus, I had to be dressed and ready because Ashman has it's parade at 8:30 and Jake's program was immediately following. Whew! Here we go!
I didn't even get a picture of Jaxon. Too much to do, I didn't even think about it. But, he just dressed up as grass. He wore all black and then we spiked up his hair, sprayed it green, and put ants, spiders, and a snake in it. It wasn't much, but he liked it. (As soon as he got home, he went and put it down though, he didn't like how it felt sticking up when he is used to it plastered down.) Josie went as a flapper (picture to follow a bit below). Joshua went as a Yankees player - Rodriguez specifically. (Again very grateful). Jake went as Harry Potter - a pretty good one too. And, Jainie was dressed as Belle today.
After dropping Jaxon off, was he late again? I think so. Oops! We ran Josie and Josh to Pahvant, then, took Jake. It was cold, once again, but it actually got a lot nicer.
It was a darling parade. The kids always look so cute, well, some of them.
Then, it was time for his program. It was so darling! I love this program, one of my favorites. All 4 of my oldest kids know these songs. "There was an old witch with a hat and she rode on her broom with her cat . . . " "The littlest witch you ever did see peeked through the window . . . " ""A big, black cat in a witch's hat played the tambourine on Halloween, what do you think of that, hey, what do you think of that? Hmmm." And, Jake's favorite joke, "What is the best way to talk to a ghost? Long distance." Hahaha So, I am thankful to you, Halloween, for a very cute program, not about dogs or cats but just cute.
(Note, it is now, November 7 and Jainie just declared that she found her peacock crown. Oh good! I guess we can dress up again).
Anyway, it was a darling program and Jake was adorable!
After Jake's delightful program, I decided to take Jainie out for my birthday. I had wanted to try "Big Bun Bakery" so we went there. It was delicious. We got a bagel sandwich, a big bun, a cake, a chocolate chip cookie, and an Italian cream soda. Yum! Really, if no one else is going to pamper you on your birthday, I definitely think you deserve to pamper yourself. :) Afterwards, we ran home to get ready for Jake's Halloween party. Since I have 3 kids in elementary school, they each get me in their class for one party. Halloween was Jake's turn. I am usually in charge of my kid's class parties, but this time, all I had to do was help. And, then, I didn't have to help too much, just show up and help with the craft. Wonderful. (I like to think it was special treat just for my bday). It was a very cute party and Jake had a blast. And, that is really all that matters.
What a darling cookie, eh? And, it looks delicious - if
you look at his face, at least. |
Back at home, I visited with all the kids to see how their day had gone. It really was a fun day for them. After settling them all down with their treats from school while watching a movie, I decided I had better run a few errands. I needed to run a tent to a friend's for the carnival coming later that night, pick up some eggs at the grocery store for the cupcakes I promised to make for the carnival, and go to work quickly. On my way out, the friend came by and picked up the tent, so then I ran to do the other two.
When I arrived home, my mother was here! She and the kids were all in the living room waiting for me. It was the best surprise of the day. She made me some of the best cupcakes I have ever had - I still need to get that recipe - and brought over some presents. Plus, she and the kids sung me "Happy Birthday". Then, we visited for a bit before she had to run to other things. It really did make my day though. I have been thinking a lot about it and have decided that mom's have the power to make our birthdays great for us. I think mother's remember the day best and it is something special for them too. Really, if you think about it, it is a special day for a mom, a day that she became a mother once, twice, or thrice in my case. So, although, it is still MY birthday, I think it is just about as important to my mom as it is to me. As is each of my children's birthday's in my life. I don't think men really "get it." Maybe some do. Just a thought. Anyway, I am very grateful to my mom for, once again, helping me out and making me feel special. I am also grateful to Josie for making the cupcakes I was supposed to make. Luckily, she did it for me and then I frosted and decorated. She is really a lifesaver!
Okay, time to get ready for the carnival celebrating all things Halloween. I was supposed to be there at 5 to help get people tickets, food, and in the door. My kids and I got there at about five minutes to five and I couldn't believe my eyes - there was the longest line out the door. We snuck through, I sent the kids off in groups and I started collecting money. I was scheduled to stay until 6, but it was so unexpectedly crazy, that I stayed helping until about 7:00. Then, I went and found Jake and Jainie, who were wandering around by themselves, in awe of all the people. It was pretty funny really, I had sent them in, hoping they would get a lot of things done before the place got too packed, but they were so overwhelmed, none of them did too much. I think we each went to maybe 3 booths. I did wait in the dinner line for about an hour and fifteen minutes. Good thing they were yummy corndogs. :)
Josie waiting in the cake walk line
Josie had this spider balloon made, which was a
perfect object to hold in the air so everyone
could find us. Josh was waiting in the food line
here while I was taking pics of Josie, Jake &
Jainie in the cake walk. What a good sport! |
Jaxon and his friend Austin were helping to entertain the kids while, once
again, waiting in the food line. Josie thought the spider made a nice
umbrella. They had a great time practicing their scout skills. Oh, and
Jaxon won the hat for the speed throw, which he thought made the whole
carnival worthwhile.
This pretty much sums up how we all felt at the end of the night. |
We got home at about 9 and once again, everyone was ready for bed. Feeling a bit sorry for myself, alone on my birthday, I decided to watch a movie. I chose "Lord of the Rings," got through about 1/2 of it before falling asleep. Oh! When, I got home I checked my messages and got 2 messages from my dad telling me "Happy Birthday," which were so nice that he remembered. And, I got a message that I had won the birthday cake on the radio! Hurray! I was super excited.
I have to interject here that I usually don't feel so badly for myself. I have tried many times to change my mind set and not care that it is my birthday. With kids, they don't really care whose birthday it is, unless it is theirs. And, Jared has really never done much for birthday's. I think this year was just especially hard because Jared wasn't here to help me, stinkin' Halloween was trying to take over!, (and it did) and I was turning 35! Yep, not that I really care too much about my age, but I feel age is taking it's toll now. I have a few wrinkles, the biggest is named "Jaxon", I am not losing weight like I always have before, I am so tired all the time, and I can't remember everything like I used to. There are pluses. I am more confident in myself, I know more about a lot of things, my kids are getting older which means they can help out more, and I can talk to them about more mature things. There are many other positives but I am trying to focus on the negatives here. :)lol. Anyway, don't worry about me, I am fine. It really wasn't too bad of a day, as far as birthday's go and it is over, that is the best part. Yay! 35 - I am embracing it!
Saturday dawned bright and early. The kids were all excited to be trick or treating later that day, full of candy and a sugar high, and ready to tackle anything fun. But, NO jobs! So, first off was getting in the shower, to wash off all the paint, hairspray, make-up, sweat, and sticky candy so we could do it all again tonight. And, yes, another reason, you, Halloween, have made a quick descent in my favorite holiday list - so much WORK! So, Josie and Jainie had to get their hair in curlers, and that was on the top of the list. BUT, first, Sara and Lindsay came home for my birthday and so Dad and Mom took me out for breakfast. Not the kids, I needed a bit of non-kid time so I could actually visit. It was delightful. I have had better food, but not much, and the company was surperb! Thanks Sara and Lindsay for coming down and for the gifts. And, thanks, M and D for taking me out for some adult time.
As soon as I got home, I realized that we hadn't carved pumpkins. Jaxon was busy reading something and didn't want to carve one. So, I asked him if he wouldn't please mow the lawn, it was getting really long and I wanted it to look nicer for the trick or treater's. I also asked Josh if he would; again, no takers. Not even for money! Kids these days. I was honestly dreading the pumpkin carving, never really been a fan, but out of necessity and tradition I comply. Doing it as a single parent, definitely not looking forward to. Luckily, the day was bright and shiny, so we went out on the porch. All of the kids, cleaned out their own pumpkins! Yep, every single one. Even Jake and Jainie did it themselves. I didn't have to pull out one seed. I did help scrape a bit, but really not too much. It was heavenly. Knowing I wasn't up to any intricate designs this year, I let them design their own pumpkins. They drew them on and cut them out. I did help a bit in the cutting process. It was the best pumpkin carving experience I have ever had. And, I think they enjoyed it too.

Jainie loved her pumpkin's eyeballs! |
We loved how Josie's had this darling heart shaped nose. |
Josh usually likes a Y for BYU but decided on our wonderful "J". |
Jake was so proud of this scary face that he designed
all by himself. Pretty crazy - I never would have
thought of it, for sure. |
As soon as that was done, I mowed the lawn. Well, what I could, it started hailing on me part way through, so I just finished up the front and then put the mower away. Then, my dad came over and we ran to a furniture shop to buy Jainie and Josie new bunk beds. (They were only on sale until November. So, it was now or never.) As soon as we got back, it was time to get ready to go to Grandma's to start the festivities. My mom always has a wonderful, fun dinner for the kids before they gorge on candy. She is always very creative and makes different things each year. This is one of my kids favorite things about Halloween. It is fun though, even for me. Since this year was on Saturday, Dad even got to be there.
She got us these really creepy glasses, which everyone loved!
We also decorated ping pong balls to look like eyes then put
them on little lights - it was pretty cool. |
After the dinner, we went to our usual Gwood houses - Grandma Leila, Aunt MaeBeth, Aunt MaryAnn, and Aunt Alta. Then, off to R to trick or treat. When we pulled into our house, the cul-de-sac was already inundated with cute little spooks. Jaxon decided to stay home and hand out candy, thank goodness, so I could go out with the kids. I don't know how we would have pulled it off otherwise. It was a bit chilly, but the rain had stopped so we were all grateful. After about 45 minutes, Josie was needing to go to her Halloween party with friends so we all walked back home, checked on Jaxon, and jumped in the van. After a few more minutes trick or treating, Jainie was freezing so I brought her home. Jaxon was relieved, trying to read his book while answering the door was not what he thought it would be. So, he gave that job over to Jainie. Then, the boys and I went back out for another hour or so. We definitely got lots of candy, everyone still has some. What a night!
Good-bye easiest costume ever! I wish I could have
you every year. Even though, Joshi should really should let
someone help him with that eye black. :) |
Good-bye beautiful flapper - so glad it
all worked out for you! :) |
Good-bye Harry Potter - until next time (which will
probably be tomorrow!) |
Good-bye Jaxon - who is not really dressed up,
we will see you definitely tomorrow. Nice glasses
btw - but that is another matter altogether. :) |
Good-bye cute peacock - I am positive I will see you in the dress-up clothes. |
When we got home, Jared was FINALLY home and so the kids were so excited to see him and missed him so much. He also got a new truck which he was super stoked about and so were the kids. We all jumped in the truck and went for a spin. Pretty great. And, finally it, YOU, are OVER! Until next year, when I am hoping you won't be celebrated for an entire week. A day would be nice, I really don't mind you for a day. But, a whole week, especially when you try to steal my birthday! Unthinkable! (I am so sure this will happen again next year, so I am trying to prep myself for it).
So long, farewell, hope you don't come around for at least another year, make it two for my birthday present! :) |
Anyway, good riddance, au revoir, hasta la vista, auf wiedersehen, arrivederci and GOOD-BYE!!!
a very exhausted, overworked, under appreciated, ready for a break mother of five