Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sheer Determination

This is my Jake Jake.  He has always had so much determination and enthusiasm.  He is like this with whatever is in front of him, as long as it is his idea.  He is such a funny bugger.  He played soccer this year and loved it.  His favorite was goalie, which I think is interesting, because none of my other kids liked being goalie - none really would even try.  But, Jake will try anything (yes, that is a bit scary).
 Yep, he even figured out how to make a goal, which is saying something - I have decided it is easier to kick the ball on some teams than others - depends on how aggressive your team is.

And, yes, after pretty much each game, since we won them all, he would have a victory roll on the ground.  There is ALWAYS time to fit a little fun in.
I think Jake may actually stick with soccer for another year or so and not jump right over to football.  I think it would be great.  Soccer can be pretty fun, I am finding.   :)

