Friday, October 8, 2010

"Clap and Bahlay"

 My baby girl is ready to DANCE!  She has been ready for a LONG time, waiting for me to get ready.  Truthfully, I am still not ready, but she is 4, so I guess I will give in.  She has many, many dance outfits that she has been collecting just waiting to be used.  This was her favorite on this day.  
She was very nervous actually and right before we went told me she just wants to do "gynastics".  Too late. :)  Plus, I knew she would love it, she has been dancing before she could walk, always copying Josie or making up her own moves.  And she did, she LOVED it!  She is excited every week to go back and learn more dancing moves.  

As soon as we got home, she put on her new "clap" shoes and started showing me what she had learned (plus a lot more she made up).  It was so cute.  She has always worn Josie's old ballet shoes, so they weren't quite as exciting, but Josie hasn't let her wear her tap shoes.  Jainie adores them and the sound they can make.

Quite a day for Little Chippy, her first day of both preschool and dance.  Needless to say, I really missed her.  She is my entertainment after all.  She is definitely growing up too quickly.  :(


  1. She is so cute! I am glad that she will be up on stage with the rest of the girls, and the boys are so intense I love it. Such cute kids.

  2. Such great posts! I love seeing all the pics and hearing the news about the kids... they're so great! I also love that you got Jainie tan tap shoes. Was that your idea, her idea, or a Sharon thing? I remember thinking they were so much cooler than the black ones. I hope your kitchen floor is ready to take the beating that's waiting for them when she learns shuffles. :)

  3. She is such a silly little girl. I can't wait to see her up on stage. She is such a cutie!

  4. what a cute little dancer!! how fun, can't wait to get abby in dance lessons!

    ..i have to add, i'm glad i can see your blog to see what is going on in your life! wow.. you guys have a a lot of crazy thing happen. sure glad jaxson is okay, how scary! is it amazing how things like that make us grow and strengthen our testimonies. where would we be without the gospel!? wow. hope you are in the clear for a bit!

