Friday, January 22, 2010

I love Primary!


So I have been slightly ornery about leaving YW and being back in the Primary. Don't get me wrong, I love primary but I had all 5 kids in the primary and felt I needed some time away. Plus, young women are just so darn fun. However, my point of view has changed. I still love YW but I know I am supposed to be in Primary. I love these kids. Look at their faces, they are so sweet, trusting & innocent. I am so grateful to be able to work with them and get to feel of their Spirit's.
Last night we had a big scout meeting, which you should know, is another of my "not-so-favorite" things - scouts, that is, not meetings. I really don't mind meetings, they are fun, usually. Anyway, this was a great meeting and I am so glad that I went. I now have a much greater appreciation for scouts, I have learned that it is a program we as LDS people are supposed to support and participate in. It helps our boys grow into men and prepare to receive the priesthood. So, no more complaining for me. I will accept and be grateful for every calling I receive and do my best to learn what I am supposed to. (Hopefully that doesn't mean I am ready to be released from this one quite yet. I have a theory that just when I start to love and totally embrace my callings, I get a new one. Great! I'll keep you posted - no pun intended.) :)


  1. When I first met you, you were in the primary. I remember thinking wow, she is really good at this calling. So I will agree it is the place for you - but don't doubt that you rocked at YW as well.

  2. So does this mean that someday I'll be done being ornery about leaving YW? Here's hoping.

