Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jared's New Office

 Jared has been working on getting a new office for over a year now.  It has been a lot of stress, time, money, etc.  I am so relieved that it is finally almost over, well, it will never be over - there will always be things to fix, make better, etc, but we are in.  Officially.  He started seeing patients on Monday the 9th.  Hooray!
     I have to say that I love it.  I think the design is beautiful, the location is superb, the colors look great, even the landscaping looks pretty good.  (There are a few things I would change here, but who wants my opinion?)  Really, Jared, Judd, and Trevor have decided pretty much everything, with Tom's help, of course.  There wasn't much female involvment, and I think it shows.  It is a very manly office, which is how it should be, they are the ones that have to work there everyday.
     So, here is one of the first pictures that I took.  Just the frame going up.
Looking pretty good!  Good thing Tom finally got the stucco color chosen!  Thanks Tom!
The big moving day!  This was on Saturday, before they opened.  It was a project!

So, these are the fearless movers and organizers.  From left:  Janet and her husband, Devin, Sherry, Chase, Bobbi, Josh, Jared, Jaxon, Trevor and Judd.
Oh, and Josie came a bit later and organized the magazines better than they've ever been organized before.  They looked fantastic!  She is hoping Jared will hire her to clean his office, she wrote a persuasive essay on it, plus she only charges $5. per week for everything.  That's a deal!  I asked her if I could hire her for home, she said no, home isn't as fun to clean.  Darn!
Congrats CUPT!  You have a beautiful new home!  (And, maybe I'll get my husband back - a girl can always hope, right?)


  1. Congrats! It looks great. Can't believe they're seeing patients there- it's been in the works for so long and yet I didn't actually think about the time they'd be working in it. Oh- and I love that Judd, Trevor, and Jaxon are all pretty much the same height. :)

  2. Wow it looks great from the outside. especially all the people in front. Wonder what the inside looks like

