Unbelievable! I cannot believe we got t.p.'d. I only ever toilet-papered once. And, that was after my mom made me call and ask permission, then tell them we would clean it up the next morning. Yep, that is the only time. Well, besides the time I did Jared's car, or what I thought was Jared's car, which actually ended up being Judd's at the time. :) Anyway, I doubt Jared ever toilet-papered, but you never know, he actually probably did. Point is, I never thought it would happen to us. It must be the kids. Josie thinks she knows who it was because as we were cleaning up, she noticed a car driving by really slowly, staring down the cul-de-sac at us and she recognized the girls in it. Yes, I said GIRLS! What? Some girls around Jaxon's age, of course. What? Yes, another shocker, girls like Jaxon! This is so funny to me. I mean I love Jaxon to pieces but he is a scrawny, awkward
little boy. (Who claims to be a man.) I guess I have realized he is pretty cute, but still a boy, who does gross things like, fluff, burb, tease constantly, sweats, lots of stinky, gross stuff. I have also realized that he is growing up, he was 5'3" a couple weeks ago and I think he has grown since then. He does have some wonderful traits, he is brilliant - really, he is. He has a great sense of humor and is very witty. He catches on to most of my sarcastic comments now. He is pretty cute, like his dad. He is quite coordinated and will work hard if pressed. But, what! Girls like him. I just can't fathom it. Although, I fully remember looking up at the cute deacons passing the sacrament. Now, I look at them and think they are babies. Funny how time does that. But, no one should be looking at my cute deacon, he is only 12! Come on!
Back to the toilet-papering, whoever did it, I have to commend you, you did a very nice job. We figured about 5 bags were used. (Secretly, I always wanted to get toilet-papered because, hey! that is free toilet-paper. And, we spend A LOT on toilet-paper. And, then A LOT for someone to come unclog the toilets because too much was used. Or we just say thanks to Jared for cleaning it out.) We didn't even get to use the toilet-paper though, because, just our luck, our sprinklers came on that night and all that great tp was stuck to the ground, disintegrating. :) What fun! But, still kudos to you, whoever did it, hope you had fun. Now, don't come back for at least a year. Oh, and I should warn you, I love a good mystery. I WILL figure it out. I always do.

The boys checking out the chaos! (They look like they are dressed for the day, that is because they never wear pajamas anymore, just clothes, eliminates a getting ready step, they say. I am not willing to fight this one. Once school starts, I will have to. You gotta love summer).
All those little white things on the ground, are ripped up tp, everywhere, even on the side of the house and a bit in the back, I am thinking the dog scared them off, that is why the back is not done more.
You'll notice they didn't stop at our yard, they dropped pieces everywhere they walked in the cul-de-sac, the neighbors were easier to pick up because they weren't wet.
Keep in mind, we are thinking this was done on Jaxon's behalf, the sad thing is that he had scouts at 9am, he got to be one of the injured in a mock disaster, so he didn't have to clean much up. Mostly, Josh, Josie, our neighbor Luke, and I cleaned it up. Fun times!