This is my Joshua Jeffery. He is such a special boy. He is one of the kindest, most gentle people that I know. He is always looking out for others, making sure they are included and trying to make sure no one has hurt feelings. He adores babies and children - whenever I can't find him, he has gone to find someone to take care of. And, he is extremely loyal. If he has your back, you don't need to worry, he will be there with you through thick and thin. He absolutely idolizes Jared, he will do anything for his dad and whatever Jared likes, Josh does too. For example, on Josh's birthday, Jared and I took him out to Winger's then had to go to Walmart afterward and as we were walking through the store, I kept asking Josh if he wanted different things for his birthday. He really wanted a bike for his birthday so when we got to the bikes there was this really pretty pink one. I asked him if he wanted it - he reminded me that he hates pink. And, he does HATE pink. So, of course, he replied with a resolute no! Then, I told him that dad loved pink bikes. To which, Josh asked Jared if he did. (Jared doesn't really like pink for himself, no shirts, ties, etc. Unless Josie buys it for him then he will wear it maybe once.) So, Jared, who was still with us, but preoccupied with other things, looks at me for direction in his answer. I nodded yes, and so he said yes. Josh looked a bit upset, but then declared that he would love a pink bike! Funny! I just like to tease them. (Don't worry he didn't get a pink bike).
He is very athletic and loves just about any sport. He also loves swimming at his Grandma's pool - he would stay in all day if I would let him.
A Thalman family tradition is that you get breakfast in bed on your birthday. Which I have to admit is hard for me since I am not an early riser and you pretty much have to be to get up before the excited birthday child and I don't particularly enjoy breakfast. But, it is important to Jared and the kids LOVE it, so I comply. And, as you can see, the pictures are usually pretty good stuff!
I was trying to get ready for our Martin's Cove trip (which I will post about later) so I have to admit I was running around a lot on his special day. We did take time out to go bowling, which is what he chose. Here, he is trying to help Jainie, who still basically throws a ball straight down on the ground. He loves helping Jainie, more than she likes being helped, I can tell you that!
This is when Josh got a strike, you can see he threw the ball so hard that one of the pins bounced out on the lane. He thought it was pretty cool.
Do we look like a group of professional bowlers? Good, because we are!
Grandma Judy came bowling with us, to help me control the masses. :) She brought her present for Josh over to bowl and he loved it!
Finally, about 9:30, Josh got his cake and ice cream. And, the thing he had been waiting for ALL day, his presents. I'm not sure what his wish was, but I am pretty sure it had to do with baseball.
So, we couldn't find a bike in Richfield, but the next day, Saturday, we went up to Provo and he got to choose his own bike. This is the one he choose, he wanted it blue, but decided this silver one was pretty awesome. Plus, it has gears!
This is in Pirate Island Pizza, in Orem. This is where he choose for the whole family to out to eat for his birthday. Once again, this is on Saturday. After this, the girls and I came home because I was helping with Miss Richfield and the boys stayed up because Josh had baseball games. It was a pretty full day. But, lots of fun!

So, Happy Birthday to my sweet Joshua! I hope this 9th year is better than all the rest combined!
P.S. Does Jared look stressed to you? Yep, that is because he is - ALL the time!
Looks like you had a great birthday Josh. How did you get so old so fast. What an awesome bike. I can hardly wait to get home to go for a ride with you.