Sunday, July 11, 2010

Could I have a time-out please?

Okay, I am officially tired.  I thought I was tired a week ago, but now I think I reaallly am tired.  Today while giving my sharing time in primary, I realized how noisy the kids were being and I didn't really even care.  I know - crazy.  So, here is what has been going on.  First and foremost, I have 5 children.  That just sounds tiring, doesn't it?  And, I made so many promises to my kids during the school year of things we would do this summer and now summer is half over and we haven't done any of them.  Only baseball.  Don't get me wrong, I love baseball, but I do need a bit more time for other things.  (So, apparently, do Josie, Jainie, and Jake because they are getting really ornery about it).  Plus, what is up with the weather this year, it is not like it has been conducive to outdoor parties.  Anyway, after getting home from Martin's Cove last week, I decided to try and shove 3 parties between baseball tournaments.  CRAZY!  I am usually a one party per month sort of girl.  They are much too taxing on me.  But, I did it!  We were in Kanab for baseball on Tuesday and Wednesday, then came home and had Jake's birthday party on Thursday morning.  Followed by me hosting book club (thanks to those who came:)) Thursday night.  And then, Josh's birthday party Friday morning.  Friday night Jaxon had pool play (yes, baseball) games and again on Saturday.  Then, we decided to have an All-Star baseball party for Jaxon Saturday night.  And, at 11:00 pm Sat. we found out we play in Vernal Monday at 9:00 am.  So, now it is time to go pack up so we can get on the road again.  It just seems to be a lot for my normal pace of life.  So, yes, I am getting a bit tired.  But, what is crazy is that Jake must be more tired because he is sitting here right by me screaming/crying in my ear.  But, he says he is NOT tired.  Sure.  Remember those "Calgon, take me away" commercials.  I could use some of that. :)  Maybe next week.


  1. Man, I want to go take a nap for you! Don't you just love thinking that summer is such a relaxing time, but when it comes down to it, it is just crazy. Have fun in Vernal, the dinosaur museum is pretty cool. Tell Josie, Jake, and Jainie they are welcome to come stay with us anytime they need a break, and thanks for the party Emma had a great time!

  2. You have a blog!! why did i not know this?? jk but really i just came across it. Now i can see your cute kids while we are away this summer! we miss you guys, parker only has adam and abby to play with and asks me daily if we can meet new friends! hope you guys are doing great!
    we have a blog too: keep in touch! see ya in about a month!

