Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer Solstice & Some Guns

My brother, Ryan, who is a world traveler, picked up this tradition in Lithuania or Latvia, I can't remember which one.  It is a celebration of the summer solstice, which is always on June 21.  I don't know too much about it, only what we did.  We all went over to my mom's house, where we went swimming, roasted hot dogs over the fire, Ry made everyone wreaths out of branches, and then we jumped over the fire.  I am not sure why you do it, Ry if you read this, you will have to let me know.  I am going to go ahead and say it is for beauty :) throughout the coming year - oh yeah, and maybe wealth and good fortune.  How does that sound?  I will take all three since I jumped over the fire!

I will warn you, since we had just eaten and everyone was so excited about their wreaths and jumping over the fire, no one has a clean face.  Those hot dogs and smores will getcha!  Jainie with her cute wreath.

Josh looks so excited but ended up sad on the trampoline so never even tried jumping over the fire.

Jos did make it over the fire, looked like perfect dancing moves.  She also hung from a tree after Sara and Ry stuck her up there. :)

Linds jumping over the fire - yea! she made it!  Once, again, a dancer.

Jaxon also made it over, although not quite as gracefully as Linds.  Doesn't look too hard for him, does it?

Yep, even I made it over.  I was a bit worried with a dress on.  Good thing it was loose.

Jared made it over too.  Even with this position - he is such a boy.  Although by the time he decided to try it, the fire was pretty much out.
Sar and Ry tried this last trick move.  Yes, they really did this.  We think it looks like it is photoshopped, but it isn't.  I only wish I was this good at photoshop.  Now, that would be really awesome!

Jos, my dad, me and Jainie enjoying the others jumping.  Mom was in cleaning up.  The life of a mother.  I wish I would have gotten a picture of her as well.  From now on, I need to go find her and get a pic of whatever she is doing.

And, I have found my pyromaniac.  Jake would stare at the fire forever, add more sticks, paper, whatever, watch it burn and stare longer.  He is mesmerized by fire.  Worrisome!

And, this is the guns picture.  Jake loves to see U. Ry's guns.  Then, he shows him his.  So funny.  Even after seeing this picture, Jake says, "Man, I have some BIG guns, I guess they must be growing, cause they look even bigger today.  I think tomorrow mine will be bigger than Ryan's."  Then, I told him you get bigger guns by doing housework.  So, he said, "Okay, mom, if you need me, I will be cleaning my room."  Woohoo!  Whatever works.  This picture was actually on Father's Day up at the cabin.

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