Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beautiful dancing Josie

I love watching Josie dance! She is amazing, so much better than I was.   She loves dancing too, she learns the dances well and then loves throwing in her own "faces" to make it more fun for her. She really enjoyed this years dances, she thought they were very fun and a little harder than before, she likes to be challenged. She also loves the girls in her class, it is a great group. Fun times! Makes me wish I were still dancing.
This year her class went to Lagoon for competition, they did really well.  This was their trophy, she was so excited and proud.  She has never cared too much about competition but this year she was all fired up about it.  She was so excited after her jazz dance that she was running off stage and tripped and fell (not in front of anyone), she skinned up her knee pretty good and got a big hole in her tights.  She was mortified!  After settling down, we found her dance teacher and she had both a bandaid and an extra pair of tights, thank goodness.  She got back up on stage for her tap dance and did a wonderful job.  She liked it all so much, she has decided to work on her solo again.  (It has been a year since she has performed it.  It will take a LOT of work.)  But, I am glad she has found a passion.
This was during the recital, the jazz dance, which was her favorite!  Isn't she adorable.  I think so. :)


  1. So cute! I hope she performs at the Fair (isn't that when they usually perform in the summer?) so I can come watch!

  2. Not anymore. Now they perform at a half time football game, usually freshman or JV and they march in the parade. Hopefully you can make one of those. If I knew how to link a video of ours I would attach her performance. Maybe I will learn that someday.

  3. She is adorable!! I wished I still danced too!!

  4. Thanks Melissa, maybe you and I could get together sometime and make a dance for our families. We could get some good moves from Julianne Hough, at least our husbands might like it. :) lol

