I do realize that just about every post that has a birthday in it I wonder where the time goes. And, you might think, "This lady has lost her marbles - how can she really lose track of time so quickly?" Well, you are right - I have lost my marbles and time just goes too quickly! I cannot believe it and thus, comment on it in just about every post! The good thing is that I love where I am right now in my life - I love each age of my children, I just know that it is going too rapidly and I try to enjoy every single moment, but let's face it, that is hard to do. Is it so bad that I just want time to STOP for a bit? Just a bit, I'm not asking much, am I? Well, if you ask my kids I definitely am because they all just want to grow up. Everything always looks better when your little if you were only bigger. It probably doesn't help that I continually tell my children that they can do whatever they want when they are the parent but while I am the parent they have to obey MY rules. :) I guess I should reverse that then maybe they would want to stay young? Interesting thought - sounds like chaos! :)
Anyway, yes, Jake is eight and I can't believe he is getting so big! I don't like it, not one little bit, but he is a cute little stinker - yes definitely BOTH adjectives there. His birthday was February 25 and he was baptized on his birthday. Which was awesome! He was so excited! It was a wonderful day. He was so happy and full of sunshine and light - Jared baptized him and confirmed him and we had so much love and support from our families & friends, it was beautiful! I cannot put into words how great it was. And, how great his
attitude was, he was a gem the whole day - not even one ornery tantrum! He really is such a good boy and we absolutely adore him!
We woke up and had breakfast in bed, of course, yes this is what he slept in. Lots of days I can't get him to get into his pajamas and most days it's too exhausting to physically get him into them, let's just say it's one of those battles I am unwilling to fight. So, he sleeps in his clothes and some days he even wears them again! What a kid. Anyway, he LOVES eggs - I cannot stress it enough so Jainie and I decided to give them to him for breakfast - he had boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, and dip-it eggs. Plus, toast, apple slices, hot cocoa and juice. It was quite a breakfast and the eggs were the only thing that was gone by the end of the breakfast. :)
He got his candle blown out and wouldn't even tell me his wish this year - he usually wishes for more wishes or for everything that he wants in the whole world. I think they both usually come true - :). He takes his blowing out of candles very seriously.
We were the first ones on the schedule of a very busy baptism day - we were at 9 am, which was great. Jared got up to go fill the font by 7:30 - it takes and hour and half. And, we did get the warmest water, I wondered how the 7 pm baptism went and if they put in more water.? And, we actually got there a couple minutes early with the whole fam so we snapped a few pictures before the baptism.
Doesn't he look excited? And, yet so happy and peaceful and gentle - it was awe inspiring for me. (Yes, I know I look VERY pregnant - and I am!)
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Jake already loves our baby - he would often rest his head on my tummy and give her a kiss - Jainie would as well. |
After the baptism, we took a few more pictures before heading to the luncheon.
We had lunch over in the Glenwood church because all the other buildings here in Richfield were already being used. It was nice for me to go over there, I still love Glenwood church. I went over with Josie and Jainie to decorate and set up the night before at about 10:00 pm, luckily Sara, Will, Lindsay, Joseph and Laura met us there and helped as well. I don't remember where Jared was - he is always where he shouldn't be these days. Or maybe just never where he should be, in my opinion. (I remember now, he was at basketball games. ;)).
You can see we had oodles of food - everyone was so nice to help us bring salads and cut up food and help us with everything! We are truly blessed.
After eating, we got to play in the cultural hall, the kids all had lots of fun and we had some serious basketball match-ups.
We had these mustache decorations in the candy bowls and the girls decided to take advantage and play for awhile. Don't they look so handsome and debonair?
We stayed and enjoyed everyone at the luncheon for quite awhile. Then, Jake wanted to go to the High School State basketball championship game - Richfield was playing South Sevier - it was a big deal and Jake loved to go get hot dogs at the concession stands. So, after cleaning up, we headed over there and while I took a nap, Jared and the boys went to the earlier game and I met up with them later. Jake really did get into it and was cheering and excited and did get 2 hot dogs. He is just now really getting excited about sports, it's fun to watch him. (Unfortunately, we didn't win).
We finally made it home and Jake insisted on opening presents at about 10. He was so tired but still a good sport. I love his face in this shot - he really does get excited about things.
Yea! Legos and Harry Potter. I wonder if we can get this made before we lose all the legos? hmmm
He struggles getting up every morning so we gave him this Woody alarm clock, which he still loves. Although it's not really getting him up too early anymore.
I decided to try out a new idea this year to see if we want to keep it as a tradition - making a candy bar poster. Josie made this one for me all by herself - I was much too busy with the baptism. She did a great job and Jake loved it! Jake was so happy with it and even shared all his candy!
So, since Jake's birthday was on Saturday, we celebrated at school on Monday. We read a "Froggy" book, some of Jake's favorites, had CapriSuns and Gushers and heard a bit about Jake from the poster that he made (with Jainie's help, he only likes coloring if someone is helping him, but he LOVES drawing). He felt pretty special, which is exactly what he is!
We are so lucky to have Jake in our family. He is a sweetheart and full of life, he is always wanting to be involved in whatever is happening around him. He tries hard with whatever he is doing and he doesn't give up, he will try and try until he figures it out. He loves everyone the same and tries to make things fair for everyone. He loves Jainie to pieces and they play all the time together - he is great at taking care of her. Once when she fell and skinned her knee walking home from school, he picked her up and tried to carry her the whole way. They were both laughing hysterically by the time they got home. He wants so badly to be a good boy and tries hard to do that everyday. Yet, he has a lot of spunk in him and will let you know it quite often. He really keeps me on my toes and will challenge me constantly, but then comes and gives me a big hug and tells me how much he loves me. What a cutie patootie - it will be fun to see him mature and develop more again this year! We love you Jacob Roger!
More more more!!!