So, for the past 2 weekends we have headed down to
sunny St. George. For what you ask, well
baseball games, of course. Yes, Jaxon and Joshua are both playing on little teams that travel around. So far I have
loved it! We get to leave Richfield, which has been cold and rainy both weekends and stayed in SG overnight, where we have been toasty warm and gotten sunburns! Josie and Jake have decided it is too hot and are ready for winter again. To which I said, "Perfect! Let's head back to Richfield then." And, again this weekend we will head down and it will be rainy/snowy here. The biggest problem is that we never get anything done. We leave the house looking like a tornado hit, get home and rest on Sunday & then run, run, run all week, just to pack up and do it all over again. WHEW! Exhausting! Good thing there are a lot of plusses:
Jainie got to try out her new sunglasses she just HAD to have for Easter.
Jaxon is loving it and getting lots of good experience - and doesn't he look cute in his uniform! (Minus: lots of RED dirt + sliding = miserable laundry!)
Joshua loves pitching and getting a good back stretch out of it. :) Cute in his uniform too. But all white? Who thought of that?
Jared gets to sit on a bucket and relax while having a front row, unobstructed by fences, perfect view! You'd think he might get a tan, but no - he rubs himself down with SPF 50 before getting dressed, we will have no skin cancer here.
Josie and Jainie get to rest under the umbrella and talk about girl things while drinking Gatorade and enjoying the good life.
Where we are playing there is a great water feature that Josie and Jake have loved. As you can tell, 80 degree weather is wonderful but maybe not in freezing cold water. Nothing will stop Jake though, Josie just tries to not get as wet. :)
Some of the families from Jaxon's team get together after the games and play. We decided to stay last week and play with them. So, after a dinner at "Brick Oven", we went to the Fiesta Fun Center. The kids had tons of fun. Jared and Jaxon were the only ones tall enough to drive the go-carts so Josie rode with Jaxon and Jared rode with Joshua. It was great, I am quite certain Jared is more competetive than Jaxon, you will have to notice the look on Jared's face in the next picture. :)

Jake and Jainie decided it wasn't fair they didn't get to go in a car, so they got to drive these. It was seriously so funny! (oxymoronish, don't you think? serious and funny) Jainie couldn't keep up with Jake - they only had one speed - she said Jake was a better driver because he was a sheriff and she was just a driver. They still talk about it, but her finger still hurts too. :)

Josie and Josh wanted to try these bumper boats, which they loved - here they are shooting each other. Josh said, "Josie and I were just shooting each other but then some Mexican families decided they wanted to get us, so we turned and got 'em good." We need to work on a little pc with Joshi.

Then, it was time for a round of mini-golf. Jaxon had already gone ahead with his friends. So the rest of us went together. I couldn't believe it, there wasn't even any crying. I think we are finally growing up. sniff sniff

Afterward, we went to our hotel and went swimming. I think this picture sums up how we all felt. It was a fun but tiring day! So until next week - good-bye St. George.