So, this was our free day, we could do whatever we wanted. Of course, there was quite a bit of controversy between the kids on what we should do. Sara really wanted to go see Harry Potter world so Gpa said he would go with her and they went back to Universal. That started quite the conversation of heading back there for the older kids with much dissension from Jainie. Jainie wanted to back to M.K. But, in the end, I chose. I wish I could say that Jared helped choose, but I really am the one who cares the most and my favorite is EPCOT!!! There is so much to see there and it is a bit more relaxed and there are both rides and educational aspects - perfection!
Yep, it's still pretty cold. But, the sun is out - that will help, right?
We (and by that I mean I) decided that since it was cold and we hadn't been in the Innoventions buildings too much yet, that that is where we were going to spend our morning. Brilliant plan, who thought of that? Oh, yeah, I already said it was me. :)
But, first we needed to get fastpasses to Soarin,' so Joshi and I ran over to The Land and snatched some up.
Then, we went back to Innoventions and played this great game. What you do is stand in this electronic thingy - where you get recorded doing things like running in place, jumping, and dancing. I have to say Josh did pretty well, but Jainie totally out-danced him.
Then, as you can't see on this game screen, it would put you in your own video game. When you would push the buttons for running or jumping, your very own action figure (not really computer speak, but you get what I mean) would do the same action you recorded. Get it?
If you look closely, you can see Jaxon and Jake on their screen. The dancing part was for the end, when you won, you would do a victory dance. This was hands down the longest line for this area of interactions.
The kids went and listened to a "real firefighter" tell about avoiding fires and what to do there. (I guess I should explain why real firefighter is in quotes - he really was a firefighter, I just thought it was funny that he was advertised with a sign telling kids they would get to meet one - in Richfield, we see real firefighters all the time.) Jainie was the only one we could get to be in a picture with him. Hopefully she learned a LOT!
I know we did quite a few other things in Innoventions, but I can't seem to locate the pictures. We played a game where we were all on the same team, but played other people to find fires in a house. We played new coming out video games where you would play your favorite sports teams, or challenge a villain to a duel. Jainie's favorite thing was an exhibit that taught you to save money, "The Great Piggy Bank Adventure." Each person would get a piggy bank, that was a really cute plastic piggy. Then, you would go play three different games. I can't remember exactly what they were, but they involved the stock market, where you would try to weave in between obstacles to keep gaining money and not losing any, one that challenged you to save and not spend the money you earn, and I don't remember the other one. Oh, and at the first you had to decide what you were saving your money for - a vacation, a house, college, or a new extreme room makeover? I think. Anyway, you would put the pig in a slot where the game was and when your time was up it would drop money into the piggy. (It really would get heavier and lighter). Anyway, at the end you would put your piggy in a bank and lock the vault and it would tell you if you reached your goal. It was pretty great - too bad I couldn't get the boys to try it out. Jainie played with Grandma and had so much fun. Then, somehow Gma found a piggy bank almost identical to that one and she gave it to Jainie for Christmas. Belle loves it and plays with it all the time. I guess if nothing else she learned to love piggy banks. :)
Also, there was the coolest exhibit there. It was a "design-your-own-theme-park-roller-coaster" experience, called, "The Sum of All Thrills." So, it was like we were engineers. (We actually went back to this one after we had finished the rest of the park at night-time.) Everyone was pretty pooped, but it was so much FUN! You would go into a room and be directed on the laws of physics, then, you would go to a huge table touch monitor and choose if you wanted a roller coaster, a jet, or a bobsled type ride. And, what kind of things you wanted on your ride (ie; loops, twists, etc.) and how steep or not-steep they would be, or you would decide to put in a loop then you would say how tight it would be. You would enter it into the computer and then it would show you a draft of what you'd created. Then, the computer would test it - most of the time we were too extreme and our poor cart would fly off the tracks. Once you had it right, you would head up some stairs and try your ride out! You would be put into this mechanical arm type thing that completely enclosed you and a monitor screen was right in front of you where you would see your ride. It was totally AWESOME! One of my favorite things we did! - you could have a different ride every time. And, it was fun to watch to because you would see this mechanical arm swinging around and tipping people upside down, moving quickly, and people would scream and kick their feet up in the air. It seriously was cool - the kids LOVED it - they went so many times. We had to sneak Jake on. The lady said he was too short, so we had to do some adjusting and then even wait until she was off duty. I mean, come on people, do you really think I would risk my own child's life if I didn't think it was safe? Phseesh! Well, maybe, it is DisneyWorld. Anyway, it was a blast!
After we had spent a little time in the Innoventions building (and by a little, I mean a couple hours. You could seriously stay in there for an entire day, there is so much to look at and get involved in) we decided it was time to move on. We decided to go on one of my favorite rides from when I used to come here. It is in The Land and called, "Living with the Land." It is a boat ride that teaches about the past, present, and furture of farming and agriculture in America.
Another good thing about it is that it is still indoors - not too chilly. You can see Jaxon is really soaking in all that knowledge!
I had to take this picture because it is the only alligator/crocodile (I don't know which) that we saw the whole time we were in Florida. I guess we should have ventured out more, but I guess that is yet another reason to head back. Isn't he cute?
Oh, look, another temperamental beast with a ferocious attitude. I think they should live together, how about you? Don't let that innocent face fool you!
This was one of my favorite things there. Don't you love how they grow the food? They grow food for the Disneyworld food areas and all of it for The Garden Grill, inside The Land. Pretty sweet pumpkins - especially for December!
It was getting to be time to eat and Gma had wandered off so we decided to head over to the World Showcase and eat some fish & chips. Now, I am not usually an "eat the same thing twice on vacation" kind of girl. I guess you could say I am an adventurer, even when it comes to food, which is unusual because I am a very picky eater and used to never eat anything, I guess that I've grown, both emotionally and physically. Good and bad. Anyway, it was so good the couple days before that we had had it, we had to head back. And, fancy who we met there, I guess Gma had the same idea because there she sat. The kids were so excited to see her, you'd think she'd been gone a year. They ran over and told her what they'd been doing.
It was really pleasant at this time, we all took our jackets off pretty quick.
The boys testing out the telephone booths found only in the U.K. I wonder if they have a different name for them. Don't they call it the telly?
Jared and I were happy to let them roam, as long as we could eat our delectables in peace. YUM! I have been trying to find a delicious fish & chips recipe since we got home to no avail. Does anyone have one they would like to share with me? I would be eternally grateful!
Gma, Jaxon, and Josh finished their lunch first so they wandered over to the shops of the U.K. while the rest of us sat and enjoyed. The musical group that performs in the UK is called, The British Invasion, however I heard they actually have changed to a different band now - just so you know, when you go. :) Note: I loved this band, they were so great and it really was like listening to the Beatles, what I remember from my youth, that is. (If any of you believe that, then . . well. ?) Anyway, we could hear them and just sat and enjoyed the sunshine, good music, great food, and superb family!
Have I mentioned the other band that I LOVE at Epcot? They are in the Canada pavilion and are called, "Off Kilter" and they are so fun to watch and listen to. We are usually hurrying so I dance as I walk, I just can't help it. And, I bought one of their CD's the last time Jared and I were there so I can sing along as well. They have bagpipes and wear kilts - but don't think they are from Scotland, nope, Canada. Still can't figure that one out. Which reminds me, I told Gpa I would find that CD for him. I guess I better get on that. 8 months later. :) That's just how I roll. (If you want to hear any of these, you could just google them, it is seriously AMAZING the things you can find online - who knew?).

So, here we are in the U.K. still talking to a somewhat familiar figure. This is Father Christmas, that is one of the changes from our Santa Claus. Most of what they believe and celebrate is the same as us. They do say "Happy Christmas" instead of "Merry Christmas," which seems ironic to me since it seems that Brits use the word "merry" a lot more often than we Americans do. But, hey, what do I know. He also, obviously, wears green instead of red. Either way it was nice to see a familiar face. Oh, and Jake really wanted to hold his staff. It was pretty cool. (Notice the plants are covered because of the weather - sweet).

After leaving the UK, we walked across the little bridge that leads to France and almost walked right into this little guy. Jaxon, Josh, and Josie were the first ones to see him. They hurriedly showed us and we just left it alone. But, of course, there is some kind-hearted person who wanted to save the snake and definitely not get him stepped on, he was here first, you know. (said tongue in cheek) Anyway, that person picked him up with a stick, frantically, I should add, and tossed him in the bushes. Sometimes I think these city folk do more harm than good. He was moving, I am sure he would have been fine. Needless to say, that was the most excited wildlife we saw, except for in Animal Kingdom. No one got too thrilled.

I forgot to mention that on our way out of Illuminations we decided to, once again, try the Kim Possible missions. This time we were successful. The first one was in the UK. The 3 older kids did them and loved them. Plus, they got along so well. Apparently, each country has their own secret little things that happen if you accept a mission from them. You go and catch bad guys by following their trail. I think the UK was their favorite one, I think they went on 3 missions. They did take awhile. This day was so relaxed with hardly any tourists there, so we let Jaxon, Josie, and Josh take my cell phone and head out on their own. I think that was another exciting aspect. Meanwhile, Dad, Jake, Jainie and I continued on in our search for great Christmas stories. In this picture, you can see that the kids are huddled over the Kimmunicator, looking for their next mission.

This was in Morocco, which is obviously not a Christian nation, but a Muslim one. But, it was still fun to talk traditions with them. This is Taarji, the storyteller, who showed us dances, played the drums (and let the kids help him) and told us of traditions through dance, which Jainie is helping with.
Jake and Jainie were so thoroughly enjoying each other. I am not sure how it happened, I think because the other kids were off doing their own thing, these two had time to themselves. So, they walked along, holding hands, dancing, singing, & laughing. The best part was watching other people notice them. And, you had to notice them - they were very apparent. You can see everyone who has passed and is passing them have smiles on their faces. Jared & I walked behind them and it was darling to just enjoy the two of them. They really are pretty good friends. I like to think Disney should thank us for helping people smile and making Epcot more magical. :)
You can see who is the boss, right?
This is a picture from Japan. Jared stayed outside with Jake and Jainie while I went shopping for a bit. They had such neat stuff to buy in Japan, but trying to shop while watching kids and keeping them out of trouble is impossible. Not to mention, worrying about Jared and having him eyeball me and my purchases. :)
So, these next three are part of a funny story. In Japan, there seem to be a lot of birds. In fact, I overheard some people talking about walking quickly through this part of the park and definitely NOT stopping here. That was after this incident. So, this is where the kids waited for me.
Here you can see Jake is checking something out - in the sky - coming downward.
As you might have guessed, a bird flew in and pooped on Jared. Yep, I think it was right on his head - maybe his shoulder. Either way, good thing he had on a hoodie and that hoodie saved him. (I think Jared would have inisisted on going to the hotel and showering if it had touched his skin). Anyway, you can see Jake and Jainie think it is downright HILARIOUS!
In fact, maybe too hilarious! But, guess who came out and saved the day? Yep, yours truly - I had wipes and we (and by that, once again, I mean I) wiped it all up and off him and threw it in the garbage. I am not sure that Jared thought this was as funny as these two did.
This is the culprit, looks innocent enough, right?
This is the cool drum show they do in Japan.
I wanted the kids to see the show in America, "The American Adventure," so that is where we headed next. Plus, I love the "Voices of Liberty" who perform there. It's always good to get some patriotism in in every vacation. And, we lucked out and got to enjoy these guys for awhile as well. They are so great, it reminds me of being in Williamsburg. You can see Jake and Jainie watching in the left of the picture.
This is inside the American pavilion. We were just sitting and waiting while Jake and Jainie laid in the middle of the floor enjoying the coolness of it. The other kids joined us here and we all loved the "Voices of Liberty" perform not only patriotic songs, but mostly Christmas songs. I was totally relaxed and enjoying every minute. How often do all five kids get along famously? Ah, perfect.
Jake and Jainie really wanted to meet Jasmine and Aladdin and we had noticed the times they would be visiting as we left Morocco, so immediately following our American experience, we ran back to get in line. Which we waiting in for quite and while, this might be the longest character line we waited in. It was probably a half an hour. Anyway, well worth the wait, Aladdin and Jasmine were very gracious and it was a lot of fun. I think these are their COLD clothes, which honestly, I prefer. :)
So, I can't remember perfectly what else we did this afternoon. I know Sara and Gpa made it back to join us. I remember going back over to future world and we did see "Journey into Imagination with Figment," I always like that ride. It's just a cute ride about the five senses and how much your imagination helps you. And, I love Figment, he is such a cute little dragon. We did go back to Spaceship Earth as well, it is such a great little, relaxing ride. LOVE it!
As for food, I know we didn't eat at a sit-down place today. Another thing that allowed us to have more time. It really is a catch-22, do you sit down to eat and enjoy a nice experience or do you save your time for other things and eat on the go. Hmmm, I guess I nice mix is best. We did have some yummilicious treats! We had chocolate crepes in France and delicious caramel treats in Germany. My favorite was a chocolate cupcake with lots of white frosting and caramel drizzled over the top - thanks Sara! We tried to get Kaki Gori in Japan, which is delish! but it was closed when we got there. Oh, I also made sure I got all my Christmas ornaments from each country. But, I didn't have time to go to Mexico. :( So, if anyone is going anytime soon and wouldn't mind picking something up for me, that would be totally AWESOME!!! :)
We ended up back at Innoventions, where we played a bit more. This is when we designed our own roller-coasters, as I mentioned earlier.
So, you can tell, we were exhausted! Jainie is already asleep and the rest of us are waning. But, what a GREAT day! I seriously had such a great time. It was nice to not be so rushed and stop to enjoy the little things.
Time to go home to bed. I think we were all so tired, we didn't even notice the towels this day. What a shame. Oh, well, it was a wonderful day - night!