So finally, here are some back to school pics. I really did take them on the first day of school and hallelujah, they are finally on my blog. Which I am not sure if I should be excited about that. It would probably be better if they were scrapbooked, but baby steps, right?
This is Jainie, who obviously doesn't go to school. No, I did not put her in preschool. I just didn't have the heart, who would entertain me all day. (And you can see she is quite the entertainer). She is giving the "I love you" sign because when we drop off the kids at school that is what we wave to each other. She started doing that before she knew what it meant. So cute. (BTW, both Jaxon and Joshua are "too cool" to give us the sign when they are out of the car - ridiculous!)

Here is my Jakey Jake. He actually didn't have his first day until a week after the other kids for Kindergarten, but he was so excited! He loves his teacher and mostly school. Recess definitely rules!

Josh who is always so laid back and naturally cool was pretty nervous for his first day even though he is the oldest now at Ashman - 2nd grade. He is probably one of the tallest too, he has really sprouted this year - passed up Josie, but we won't talk about that, his older sister isn't too happy about it.

Oh, Jos, how are you growing up so fast. She is our only Pahvant'er this year - in the 4th grade. She is always the height of fashion and loves being the center of attention. Mrs. Roundy is her teacher and she has a roomful of friends - she will have a great year!

And, my big Jaxon, he is so excited to go to middle school, even though it means no more recess. He is a bit worried though, but he has developed into a very responsible, smart kid and he will do great. As long as his carpool isn't too late and makes him tardy every day. :)
So, that is us - 4 kids in school, 3 different schools, not bad, at least they are all close. In a couple years, I will have kids in all four schools. Whoa! Where did these kids come from?

My Jaxon is in Middle School, I can't even believe it! How does time go by so stinkin' fast. I will never catch up. All the kids thought it was awesome Jaxon gets his own locker and when picking him up, we had to go check it out. Anyway, this is his locker - the green one with the green lock right above him. Funny story really, I was talking to one of my friends who has a 6th grader and mentioned Jaxon hated his bottom locker. She replied that her daughter didn't like her top locker. So, I decided we should switch. And we did. A bit later, over the intercom someone says, "Will Janna Thalman please come to the office." I thought, "Wowee, I have never been called to the office in this school before" (and I did attend there for middle school). Anyway, the principal got bad at me for breaking school rules already. Apparently there is no changing of lockers. I do have to say though, I think I went up a couple notches in the cool chain for Jaxon, who else's mom gets called to visit with the principal. :)