Right now I am trying to get the motivation up that it takes for me to go exercise. This shouldn't be that hard since I only push myself to exercise for about 10 minutes. I am more out of shape than I have been in my entire life.
I have been reminiscing lately on last year at this time, which I remember well because it was when I had my miscarriage and had to stay home in bed for so long. Plus, when I was at the hospital I gained a whole new perspective on life. Am I losing that? Am I staying focused on what is really important? It is so hard in this life to stay positive and stay on the path of true happiness. So, time to slow down a bit, and reevaluate.
Cookies - chocolate chip (my favorite) are in the oven with the best intentions of going to the neighbors and my friend who just had a baby. Yea! Congratulations! However, they usually disappear before I get around to getting them delivered. Best laid plans.
Jainie is sitting behind me at the table working on a math book of Jake's - so 2nd grade. She loves doing workbooks. She is now officially graduated from Kindergarten and it makes me so sad. But, boy is she excited! (Wait til she has to go to school all day every day next year, I think she will get a bit bored).
Jenevieve is sleeping in on my bed, well, scratch that, she is now crying. She is just not sleeping very long and loves to be held. Which I enjoy too, unless I am trying to bake cookies. :) She did help me from the baby backpack to mix the cookies together. :)
All the other kids are at school and anticipation is in the air. Everyone is so mixed about being out for the summer. They are so excited to sleep in and stay up late, play with friends, go swimming, float the canal, play lots of ball, watch tv, play the wii, go up to the cabin, go to seven peaks, read books, and just veg a bit. However, they aren't excited about doing chores. And, they will really miss their friends and the socialization.
Last night, there was a solar eclipse, it was great. I didn't pay much attention to it honestly so we had no way to look at it. Luckily, we have a great neighbor who brought over his welding mask so we could look up and see it. Who would've thought? It worked perfectly and was so amazing. I marvel daily at this world Heavenly Father made for us and the more I learn about it, the more I realize that I don't know much about it.
Well, Evie is still crying, with Jainie trying to help her, so I guess it's time to go nurse. No wonder I get nothing done. But, I sure am enjoying the little stinker.
Hope everyone has a great day - enjoy the world around you and maybe plant some flowers! :)
Claire’s Homecoming at Church, and a “Hot Seat”
19 hours ago