Happy late Birthday Jaxi! I can't believe I have a teenager! How did that happen? Seriously, am I even that old. No, don't answer that. I guess I am. I am proud to call him mine. He is almost as tall as me now, his feet are bigger than mine and his hands are as big as mine, which is saying something, because I do have big hands. (In fact, that was one of my musts on my "qualities in a husband" list - bigger hands than me. :) See, I don't ask for much and it worked out perfectly.) Everyone still says he looks like his daddy, sometimes I see it, sometimes I don't. He sure does walk like him though and has his same personality for better or for worse - usually better, but sometimes Jared doesn't take it so well. I keep telling him once I figure him out, I will know exactly how to handle Jaxon.
Jaxon is such a special boy. (He would say man - :)). I have decided it is pretty tricky to be the eldest child, a lot of responsibility and pressure. But, Jaxon does a great job. He is keenly aware of the other kids wanting to be just like him. He tries really hard to do his best in whatever he does. He loves taking things apart to see how they work and then usually gets them back together again and working. He and I definitely have different minds, I never take things apart for fear of not getting them back together. :) Jaxon has a wonderful personality and is getting very clever and witty. (Sometimes too witty, if you know what I mean). He really is fun to hang out with because he is pretty funny and appreciates good humor (which I provide - lol). But, you better be ready for a LOT of questions, he has a very inquisitive mind and wants to know "why" and "how" about EVERYTHING! He wants to be either a professional baseball player or a pilot. I think either would suit him well. (After going to DisneyWorld and designing his own roller coaster, I think maybe engineer would also play to his strengths).
Jaxon is very musical, even though he doesn't want to admit it. He could be very good at the piano if he would practice even 10 minutes a day. He also has a very nice singing voice, but refuses to sing like anything other than Alvin, Simon, or Theodore. Maybe it's a boy thing - maybe teenage-hood will help him grow out of that?
I hate to say that he does seem a bit interested in girls. Whenever I see signs of this I try even harder to keep him busy. He usually stays busy enough on his own with all the sports he plays. This year he played on 2 baseball teams and the all-star team, 1 football team, and 2 basketball teams, which we are in the middle of now. I wish he would start an individual sport he could do whenever he needed some "alone time," like golf or tennis. He is very athletic and a very smart player. You couldn't find anyone to listen better to the coach either, he will do whatever he is asked. Yet still, he has down time, which I try to fill with jobs around the house, lots of reading (which he LOVES now - so all you parents struggling with kids who HATE reading, keep going, it will pay off), playing with his brothers and sisters (he especially likes hanging out with Josh - Jaxon won't do much without him), Scouts, and Young Men's.

So, all in all, Jaxon is a good boy. He tries hard to do what is right and the more I find about the world he lives in, the more I realize what a crazy, difficult world it is for him right now. We just try to keep him positive and grounded with lots of confidence, another tricky thing in today's world. So, if you have extra time, include him in your prayers because although he really is doing well, life as a teen, is challenging. And, life as a mother of a teen, is worrisome and stressful but a lot of fun.
For birthday dinners, we always have whatever the birthday child's favorites are. Jaxon chose venison grilled by dad, shrimp, homemade garlic mashed potatoes, celery and pears. Yum - yum. The venison was actually not that bad. :)
We didn't have time to make a cake this year so Jaxon and I went and chose out a birthday cake and he wanted the #13 candles instead of 13 actual candles, so here it is. Happy Birthday Jaxon!
For my birthday and Jaxon's, mom gave us tickets to "The Scarlet Pimpernel" in Orem. We went with Mom, Ryan, Sara, & Lindsay. It was great - seriously so funny and good - Jaxon loved it. We always have a lot of fun when we get to hang out with family.
And, I guess I should include this picture since I haven't been able to get either Jared or Jaxon to write a post about it. But, Jaxon is finally old enough to go hunting. He passed his Hunter's Ed. last year highest in his class (he really is brilliant and apparently quite a good shot). So, a hunting the boys went. You can tell it was a wee bit cold. I really should get Jaxon to post about this. Hmm.
Some of Jaxon's favorites:
Food: venison
Color: Green
Subject in school: P.E. & Reading & Pre-Algebra
Favorite sport: Baseball
We love you Jaxon! Thanks for a being both a good example and a good son!